Customer Pickup:
Check-in Kiosk:
The Check-In Kiosk allows for expedited processing for your pick-up orders. If you have terms or a credit card on file, our team will simply print your paperwork for your pre-placed order and get you to our loading team for more efficient order processing.
U-PICK Yard:
Your one-stop shop for fast and convenient ordering. The U-PICK Yard houses over 300 varieties of our most popular Midwest plants, a variety of the most requested balled & burlapped trees and shrubs, and our best-selling Midwest Trading bagged goods. Monthly sales events offer 10-20% plus your EVD off your order; and a loyalty program where every $200 spent earns you a stamp towards an additional discount.
One Hour Text/Call-Ahead:
Text/Call 630-538-2542 to have your order pulled from the U-PICK Yard in one hour.