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Name Toolbox Size Price Notes Overall Qty
22471A Acorus calamus NGN A NP 1
Acorus americanus (NGN)
Sweet Flag
Item Number: 22471.38

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22471A Acorus calamus NGN A NP 1
Acorus americanus (NGN)
Sweet Flag
Item Number: 22471.PT

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22434A Actaea pachypoda 1
Actaea pachypoda
White Baneberry
Item Number: 22434.1G

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20907B Cimicifuga racemosa 2
Actaea racemosa
Black Snakeroot
Item Number: 20907.1G

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Adiantum pedatum
Adiantum pedatum
Northern Maidenhair Fern
Item Number: 20471.1G

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Agastache foeniculum
Anise Hyssop
Item Number: 22704.38

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Agastache scrophulariifolia
Agastache scrophulariifolia (NGN)
Purple Giant Hyssop
Item Number: 22473.38

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22582A Ageratina altissima
Ageratina altissima (NGN)
White Snakeroot
Item Number: 22582.38

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22474A Alisma subcordatum
Alisma subcordatum (NGN)
Common Water Plantain
Item Number: 22474.38

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22475A Allium canadense NGN A NP 1
Allium canadense (NGN)
Wild Garlic, Wild Onion
Item Number: 22475.38

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22476A Allium cernuum ngn A NP
Allium cernuum (NGN)
Nodding Wild Onion
Item Number: 22476.PT

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22476A Allium cernuum ngn A NP
Allium cernuum (NGN)
Nodding Wild Onion
Item Number: 22476.38

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Allium tricoccum (NGN)
Wild Leek
Item Number: 23872.PT

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Amorpha canescens
Amorpha canescens (NGN)
Lead Plant
Item Number: 22477.38

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Amorpha canescens
Amorpha canescens (NGN)
Lead Plant
Item Number: 22477.1G

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Amorpha canescens
Amorpha canescens (NGN)
Lead Plant
Item Number: 22477.PT

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Andropogon gerardii 1
Andropogon gerardii (NGN)
Big Bluestem
Item Number: 22479.1G

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Andropogon gerardii 1
Andropogon gerardii (NGN)
Big Bluestem
Item Number: 22479.38

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24144A Andropogon Red October
Andropogon gerardii 'Red October'
Red October Big Bluestem
Item Number: 24144.A1

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22799A Anemone canadensis NGN A NP
Anemone canadensis (NGN)
Meadow Anemone
Item Number: 22799.1G

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22799A Anemone canadensis NGN A NP
Anemone canadensis (NGN)
Meadow Anemone
Item Number: 22799.38

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22799A Anemone canadensis NGN A NP
Anemone canadensis (NGN)
Meadow Anemone
Item Number: 22799.PT

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22481A Anemone cylindrica ngn A NP
Anemone cylindrica (NGN)
Item Number: 22481.38

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Antennaria plantaginifolia
Antennaria plantaginifolia
Plantain-leaved Pussytoes
Item Number: 23864.38

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Aquilegia canadensis 2
Aquilegia canadensis (NGN)
Wild Columbine
Item Number: 22483.38

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Aquilegia canadensis 2
Aquilegia canadensis (NGN)
Wild Columbine
Item Number: 22483.PT

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Aquilegia canadensis 2
Aquilegia canadensis (NGN)
Wild Columbine
Item Number: 22483.1G

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21919A Aquilegia little lanterns 1
Aquilegia canadensis 'Little Lanterns'
Item Number: 21919.A1

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Aralia racemosa
Aralia racemosa (NGN)
Item Number: 22484.1G

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22485A Arisaema triphyllum
Arisaema triphyllum (NGN)
Item Number: 22485.PT

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20013A Asarum canadense A GC
Asarum canadense
Wild Ginger
Item Number: 20013.PT

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Asclepias incarnata 1
Asclepias incarnata (NGN)
Rose (Swamp) Milkweed
Item Number: 22486.38

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Asclepias incarnata 1
Asclepias incarnata (NGN)
Rose (Swamp) Milkweed
Item Number: 22486.1G

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Asclepias incarnata 1
Asclepias incarnata (NGN)
Rose (Swamp) Milkweed
Item Number: 22486.PT

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21920A Asclepias Ice Ballet 1
Asclepias incarnata 'Ice Ballet'
Ice Ballet Milkweed
Item Number: 21920.A1

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Asclepias sullivantii
Prairie Milkweed
Item Number: 20229.PT

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22487A Asclepias syriaca NGN B NP 1
Asclepias syriaca (NGN)
Common Milkweed
Item Number: 22487.PT

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22487A Asclepias syriaca NGN B NP 1
Asclepias syriaca (NGN)
Common Milkweed
Item Number: 22487.38

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22488B Asclepias tuberosa NGN B NP
Asclepias tuberosa (NGN)
Butterfly Weed
Item Number: 22488.1G

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22488B Asclepias tuberosa NGN B NP
Asclepias tuberosa (NGN)
Butterfly Weed
Item Number: 22488.PT

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22488B Asclepias tuberosa NGN B NP
Asclepias tuberosa (NGN)
Butterfly Weed
Item Number: 22488.38

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21922A Asclepias tuberosa Hello Yellow A NP
Asclepias tuberosa 'Hello Yellow'
Hello Yellow Milkweed
Item Number: 21922.A1

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22489A Asclepias verticillata NGN A NP 1
Asclepias verticillata (NGN)
Whorled Milkweed
Item Number: 22489.PT

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22489A Asclepias verticillata NGN A NP 1
Asclepias verticillata (NGN)
Whorled Milkweed
Item Number: 22489.38

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20302A Athyrium felix femina A PO 1
Athyrium filix-femina
Lady Fern
Item Number: 20302.1G

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Baptisia alba var macrophylla
Baptisia alba var. macrophylla (NGN)
White Wild Indigo
Item Number: 22503.38

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Baptisia alba var macrophylla
Baptisia alba var. macrophylla (NGN)
White Wild Indigo
Item Number: 22503.1G

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20162A Baptisia australis A PO 1
Baptisia australis
Blue Wild Indigo
Item Number: 20162.1G

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20162A Baptisia australis A PO 1
Baptisia australis
Blue Wild Indigo
Item Number: 20162.38

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Baptisia leucophaea 1
Baptisia leucophaea (bracteata var. leucophaea) (NGN)
Cream Wild Indigo
Item Number: 22504.1G

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Baptisia leucophaea 1
Baptisia leucophaea (bracteata var. leucophaea) (NGN)
Cream Wild Indigo
Item Number: 22504.38

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22667A Schoenoplectus fluviatilis
Bolboschoenus fluviatilis (NGN)
River Bulrush
Item Number: 22667.38

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22509A Bouteloua curtipendula NGN A NP 1
Bouteloua curtipendula (NGN)
Side-oats Grama
Item Number: 22509.38

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22509A Bouteloua curtipendula NGN A NP 1
Bouteloua curtipendula (NGN)
Side-oats Grama
Item Number: 22509.1G

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22509A Bouteloua curtipendula NGN A NP 1
Bouteloua curtipendula (NGN)
Side-oats Grama
Item Number: 22509.PT

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22512A Bromus pubescens 1
Bromus pubescens (NGN)
Woodland Brome
Item Number: 22512.38

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22514A Calamagrostis canadensis NGN A NP 1
Calamagrostis canadensis (NGN)
Blue Joint Grass
Item Number: 22514.1G

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22514A Calamagrostis canadensis NGN A NP 1
Calamagrostis canadensis (NGN)
Blue Joint Grass
Item Number: 22514.38

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Callirhoe involucrata
Callirhoe involucrata
Purple Poppy Mallow
Item Number: 22050.1G

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22842A Camassia scilloides
Camassia scilloides (NGN)
Wild Hyacinth
Item Number: 22842.PT

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